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The Magic of Drop Box

The Magic of Dropbox

So . . . I’ve got an iPhone, iPad, PC Laptop, PC Desktop and and iMac . . . yep, and I use every single one of them on a regular basis. The laptop and my iPhone are the most used. The Laptop is my main computer. It’s where I …

QR Codes

Raise your hand if you know what a QR Code is. If you didn’t raise your hand, read on. If you did raise your hand, read on. If it’s some other option, read on. Get it . . . read on. What you see to your left is  called a …

Dessert First

Effect: You explain to the spectator how in some modern books and films they show you the ending first, and then the whole book builds up to that ending. To keep up with modern times, you have decided to create a card trick based on that principle. Firstly, you show …