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art of astonishment

Dedicated To The Art

What follows is a crazy idea that I’m clearly not expecting anyone to do. It’s an essay out of my upcoming book (Working Title: Brain Dump). It’s meant to be a thought exercise as is much of the material in the book. As you read the essay below, however, think …

Ace Freely

Effect: This is a killer four ace production. The deck is spread to show that all the cards are face-down. Then the magician cuts the cards, and suddenly two Aces appear. Then the cards are spread face-down again, but one Ace has magically turned face-up. The three Aces that have …

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation By Jeff Stone Just the other night, at a hometown football game, my wife and I ran into my old high-school flame…. Oh sorry… wrong story. A few nights ago, my family and I were invited to a dinner party, and the host asked if I’d perform …