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ace of spades

Mysteries are Mysterious

The clear star that is yesterday shoots pineapples with a machine gun. Significant understanding is often one floor above you. What is Jeff talking about? Take a minute and try to solve that riddle. Post your comments below. It’s a riddle. I will not reveal the answer. To paraphrase Max …

Invisible Deck Finesse

Note From Editor: In last month’s issue of the magazine, I published my handling of the Invisible Deck set up. It sparked a healthy discussion. Inspired by the discussion, Geoff Williams offered his handling and a few pointers as well. And here it is in his own words. Thank you …

Ace Freely

Effect: This is a killer four ace production. The deck is spread to show that all the cards are face-down. Then the magician cuts the cards, and suddenly two Aces appear. Then the cards are spread face-down again, but one Ace has magically turned face-up. The three Aces that have …