Ironic Baby, Dead Thieves and Infections

Daddy and Baby OliveahIronic Baby

Well . . . April was a long month and a lot of exciting things happened, and most of them were very magical . . . First as you, likely, know, our daughter Oliveah was born on April 11. We later discovered that her name means “peace.” However, her middle name, Gail (named after grandma), means “Spirited One.” Thus her name basically means “Peaceful Spirited One.” Her nick-name is Irony . . . It’s also, Livey, Liv, Olive, Liveah, and Little O. You can see how cute she is on facebook.

Dead Thieves

I’ve got my Google account set up to send me alerts whenever certain key words are indexed. Usually I’m looking for key words like my name, my product names, etc so I can see when Google indexes other magic shops or reviews, etc. Well imagine my surprise, when I followed a link to a site that was selling my Stone Frixion Fire e-book. Of course he had no permission to do so, and when I spoke with him, he claimed that since it was copyrighted for 2005, he could do whatever he wanted with it because it’s been over 5 years.

First of all . . . retard . . . the book didn’t even exist in 2005. It was copyrighted, originally, in 2009. Secondly, even if 2005 were correct, copyrights don’t expire in 5 years, and finally, even if they did, that doesn’t mean that someone can just commandeer my ebook.

He said he would take down my book, but he never did; then suddenly, one day, his site no longer exists. The copyright gods are smiling down on Stone Cold Magic.


Finally, I got way behind on everything . . . including the April 2011 issue of the magazine. I was out of commission for a few days last week. I had a big ugly spider bite on my right hand that required an I.V. treatment which basically disabled my left hand (the I.V. catheter was in my left wrist) for three days. Anyway, I couldn’t use my computer for a few days . . . no hands = no typing.


I told you . . . all the stuff in April was magical. The miracle and magic of birth blessed our home. The miracle and magic of the death of a thief’s site and the miracle and magic of antibiotics made me whole again. Enjoy the Real Magic in life and don’t confuse it with the Magic you read about in April’s Issue of Stone Cold Magic Magazine.

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