McBride Magic TV and More

McBride Magic TV

Who’s got two thumbs and has a monthly spot on Jeff McBride’s McBride Magic TV? This guy, that’s who! Every Monday, there is a new live episode of McBride Magic TV. The first Monday of each month is a free episode hosted by Jeff McBride. In the past, Bryce Kuhlman hosted a review segment on the show. He has officially retired, and I’ve taken over the spot. Once a month, I’ll be reviewing a product in my segment called “Gems and Rubble.” Check out past episodes at the link above.

793.8 The Paperback Edition

I finally finished the paperback edition of 793.8. This book is starting make some waves and has had nothing but positive praise from everyone who has read it. You can now get a print copy of it. If you’ve already purchased the PDF, you’ll be able to get the paperback edition at a discount equal to what you paid for the PDF. The details are on the website: 793.8: Where is The Magic?

793.8 is one of the freshest and most powerful books about presentation for magicians that I have read in a very long time. Your thoughts on connecting with an audience are so powerful that they literally woke me up to being a better performer. Thank you so much for this fantastic work.
— Richard Sanders

Jeff Stone has quietly published a series of excellent magic books that are well-worth your time and money. His latest one, 793.8, is all that again, but raised to another level. His deepest interest is to help you tap into the magic in your magic—those moments of deep, true astonishment. Between Jeff’s thoughtful essays and excellent routines, you will find yourself inspired to create more magical magic. Highly recommended.
— Lawrence Hass, Associate Dean of McBride’s Magic & Mystery School and author of Transformations: Creating Magic Out of Tricks.

My Lovely Assistant

At this point, this one’s somewhat old news, but just in case you haven’t heard, I’ve officially taken over the daily operations of My Lovely Assistant. I approve the reviews, products and reviewers. So if you’d like to become an official reviewer and get free product, I’m the gatekeeper. The process is simple:

  1. Go to My Lovely Assistant
  2. Create an account
  3. Start writing reviews of products you already own
  4. After you’ve written 5 or 6 reviews, email me ( expressing interest in becoming an official reviewer
  5. We review your account, and approve (or not) you.

That’s it. We’re just looking for quality reviews and regularly posted reviews. Good luck!
