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Evil Duo, Loud & Live a/k/a Satire = Veritas

Note From the Editor: The effect below has been generously contributed by Max Maven. It comes from his wonderful book Redivider. It’s one of many excellent effects from this book. I highly recommend it. And for $15 bucks . . . seriously, you don’t already own it!? You can get …

Beware of the Yeah-Buts

Raise your hand if you want me to criticize you! I’m guessing nobody raised a hand. If I said, “raise your hand if you want me to critique you” I’ll bet more hands would go up. The problem is that most people mistake a critique for criticism. A criticism requires …

How To Find Jobs as a Magician

This article is intended for magicians who already are performing and are looking for ways to find places to perform. I am not talking about those that seek after long-running revues in Branson, Las Vegas, Puerto Rico or any other exotic location catering to tourists, but instead, those that are …