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Mouse Trap Vanish

“The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.” – Ancient Proverb. Effect: A face up (or face down) card vanishes into the thin air. Method: This is a very visual vanish when done properly. You’ll need a duplicate card. I recommend a notable card like …

Interviews For Magicians

Meeting the Client Whether you work restaurants, corporate gigs, children’s shows, stage, parlor, etc., somebody hired you. That means that likely you met someone representing the venue ahead of time. The question is, what did they think of you? Did they give you the best fee you could have gotten? …

Don’t Be a Magician

Can you do that one trick where I pick a card and you find it? Have you ever been asked that question? Typically when a layperson asks that questions it’s a with a bit of enthusiasm and high hopes that you’ll “know that one.” Of course, we as magicians know …