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Overcoming the Jitters

It has been statistically proven that public speaking is among the top 5 fears, even surpassing death in some independent studies. In this month’s article we will be discussing the psychology of fear, specifically that dealing with public rejection and some proven techniques to overcoming the jitters. What does fear …

Hypnotizing the Masses

Every now an then you run into people who are just darn creative. Donny Orbit is one such guy. He’s been kind enough to share several of his routines with me, most of which he has asked me to keep to myself. I don’t blame him, because they are killer …

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation By Jeff Stone Just the other night, at a hometown football game, my wife and I ran into my old high-school flame…. Oh sorry… wrong story. A few nights ago, my family and I were invited to a dinner party, and the host asked if I’d perform …