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free magic

Downloads, Discounts and Due dates

Stone Frixion Fire E-Book Sale For the next two weeks, you can get my all time best seller, Stone Frixion Fire (e-book) for only $9.95. That’s 33% off! If -as the saying goes- ‘God is in the details’ then Jeff’s e-book, Stone Frixion Fire, is one of the more divine …

And The Winners Are

And The Winners Are . . . As you know, we held two contests for the month of September. The prize is one Free Stone Cold Magic DVD (Stone Cold Magic, Gemstones or Stone Frixion Fire) and a free deck of Mandolin Back Bicycle Playing Cards. The rules were simple: …

Fishbowl Marketing

You are about to enter the world known as The Stone Cold Journal. Very few people have had the honor, and most people who have usually end up a wee bit crazy when it’s all over. So what am I talking about? I’m a big fan of the concept of …