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Marketing by Flourishes

Show off You’re probably sick of me braggin’ about how fast I can solve the Rubik’s cube, but just in case you’re not, my average speed is under 35 seconds. My best time is 24 seconds. I never leave home without my Rubik’s cube. I leave one in the car …

Free Your Mind

Remember the day when the world was all abuzz with murmurings of that David Copperfield guy making the Statue of Liberty vanish? I wonder how that brainstorming session went. Did his team think he was crazy? How did he come up with the idea? Did he have the method or …

Everybody Likes Magic

Wanna See a Magic Trick? We’ve all done it. You walk up to a table or someone in the “streets” or your friends/family and asked the . . . ahem . . . magic question, “Do you wanna see a magic trick?” Somewhere along the way, it’s changed from us …