Magical Uses for AWeber

AWeber Again?

Yes. Again. Last month we briefly touched on AWeber in Magic Business Cards. Let’s dive in a little bit more in depth. I’ve been using AWeber for years. I’ve used several other email clients in the past, including Topica, Get Response, Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, and others. None of them compare to AWeber. I use it for three main features, Auto Responders, List Management and Broadcasts.

Auto Responders

An auto responder is an email that’s set up ready to go for any new subscriber. You can schedule it to go out X number of days after they sign up, or immediately after they sign up. Further, you can schedule multiple auto responders to go out in relation with each other. In other words, if someone signs up, they get an email at day 0, then day 3, then day 4, then day 9, etc. You can set them up to be whatever you want.

One huge advantage of this is that you can have pre-set emails that go out to your new subscribers at regular intervals so that they are receiving constant contact from you on a regular basis without any effort on your part.

Your first email can simply be a “welcome” email. Then two weeks later have one set that gives them info about your site and the type of gigs you do. Two weeks after that, have one scheduled that contains a coupon for X dollars off of a show.

With a little forethought, you can easily have an scheduled to go out every 2 weeks or so for several months. The idea is to keep top of mind awareness of you and your brand.

List Management

In my case, I have several lists. One for Magic Reviewed, one for Stone Cold Magic, Stone Cold Magic Magazine, and many more. You can have one for potential clients, etc. Of course with each list, you can send out special announcements, emails, etc. any time you want.


While the auto responder is a sent out based on when the subscriber signed up, the email broadcasts can be done to your list any time you want. For example, Though it’s February right now, that’s no reason you can’t write up a holiday season email and schedule it to go out in October/November. If you’re going to be doing a public show, next week, send out an email today to let your subscribers know what’s going on.

You can email them any time you like.

Templates and Sign up Forms

AWeber has a huge list of email templates that you can use. However, if you’re comfortable with HTML, you can make an email look however you’d like. Just build the page in HTML and dump it into the email editor . . . easy peasy. Further, you have a subscription form creator that is super simple to use. Just click on a few things, and you’re done. AWeber then spits out the embed code for you to place on your web site.

Free AWeber PDF

I’m an affiliate of AWeber because I believe in them and have had unbelievably awesome experience with them. I used to be a big Constant Contact fan, but their auto responder system is terrible, and their email template system is a pain. I’m now officially a die-hard AWeber fan, so I became an affiliate. In other words, if you decide to sign up, I get a small royalty from AWeber.

To sweeten the deal, here’s a free PDF from AWeber that gives you a good run down on what it can do for you.

Until Next Month . . .
