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Roots and Branches


Encore By Jeff Stone In August, we discussed openers, closers and middle effects. At any given period in my career, I have about 5 or 6 effects at my fingertips that I consider openers, about 5 or 6 at my fingertips that are closers and about 15 or 20 that …

Oh. I Thought You Were Done

Oh. I Thought You Were Done By Jeff Stone In the July 2008 (last month) issue of Roots and Branches, we talked about clarifying your role and your spectator’s role. As pointed out last month, it’s critical that the audience not only knows who you are, but they know who …

Get Your Own Bread!

Get Your Own Bread! By Jeff Stone About a year or so ago, I was watching some old Sankey stuff (the very best of… by LL Pub), and Jay makes a joke about how he’s enjoyed working for the L&L audience because back in the real world they don’t react …